Your IP:
Your rDNS:
Security conscious computing
Battery Badge
Battery Badge
iPhone App
Battery Badge updates the icon on the Home Screen to show the remaining battery, in one of several modes. Does not drain the battery, Battery badge only updates when you launch it.
Datarate Chart
Data Rate Chart
iPhone App
Datarate Chart will present a chart of rates converted from the input rate. You input the rate using the keypad, or pick from the sample rates provided. You can change the list of rates by using the buttons at the bottom.
Monitor Lizard
Secure Underground Monitor Lizard
Status monitoring of enterprise systems
Monitor Lizard will alert technicians when problems arise, and track key details over time to assist in diagnosis and resolution of problems.
Standard Monitors
- Server hard drive space
- RAID Status (Dell, HP, etc.)
- Ping test
- Room temperature (UPS or Monitor Lizard Based)
- Inside server temp (Dell, HP, etc.)
- Exchange queue size
- SMTP / pop3 Mail flow test (out and back again)
- Internet up/down test
- DNS SOA record test (AD Replication)
- Website test (OWA, Public website, etc.)
- Down services on servers
Backup status checks (size, dates, log, etc.)
- Image backup status (including NAS as the destination)
- File backup status (including NAS as the destination)
- Tape backup status (reading the logs)
Custom monitors
- Any command line test can be converted into a Monitor
Trend graphing
- CPU Usage
- Server Network traffic
- Hard drive space
- Memory usage
- Internet traffic
- Server room temperature
- E-mail techs
- Phone call to techs (for emergency items)
- Automatic ticket creation and resolution
Automatic problem resolutions
- Restart down services
- Clean up temporary files
- Scripts customized for your network to resolve recurring problems automatically